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Assessment Literacy Training on Marking Enrollment Form


課程費用 Course Fee:
HK$5,000 / 每學科每學員 Each subject per participant


申請資格 Eligibility:         
  •  已訂購或準備訂購2024/25學年內至少一年服務期的「文憑試診斷回饋系統」(DFS) 及「網上試題學習平台」(OQB) 的中學。

    Secondary schools which have subscribed or are going to subscribe at least one year service of the Diagnostic Feedback System (DFS) and Online Question Bank (OQB) in 2024/25 school year.

  • 從未擔任文憑試閱卷員的數學科或化學科教師。

    Mathematics or Chemistry teachers who have not had HKDSE marking experience in the subject concerned.

條款 Terms:

- 名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。
Seats will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis until all quotas are filled.

- 每間學校最多可選報兩個學科,每個學科可提名一位教師報讀。
Each school can enroll up to two classes and nominate one teacher for each class.

- 請註明報讀科目的志願順序(數學科及/或化學科)。如申請學校數目超出名額,每間學校可能只獲派一個學科名額。
Please indicate the training priority (Mathematics and/or Chemistry) in the online form. In case of over-subscription, a school may be offered with one class only.

- 如需更改已遞交資料,例如報讀人選,請與考評局職員聯絡。
If there are any changes to the information submitted, e.g. nomination of  teacher, please contact HKEAA staff.

請填妥及提交資料。Please complete and submit the information.
  A. 學校及統籌人員資料 Information of the School and Coordinator

* 必答 Mandatory Field